- Children’s Book Online – Linda Lokhee

Description: Linda Lokhee also known as Linda Pang, writes books exploring child-centred topics involving kindness and friendship issues for the younger generation.

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Growing up surrounded by books, it’s been my childhood dream to be a published author since I was a little girl. My wish wasn’t to own ponies, or marry a prince and live in a castle – my dream was to hold a book with my name on the cover.

I’m a primary school teacher. I love working with children and being inspired by their creativity and humour. It seemed only natural to write a book dedicated to kids. I love sharing my book with children all around the world.

Back to the  mysterious issue of unpaired socks. If you have experienced this, I’m sure you’ll see why I’m very excited with the arrival of my debut children’s picture book, The Sock Monster . And we can blame everything on Ike, my very cheeky, very purple but lovable Sock Monster!

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