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Lingering Sun Resources is a private mineral exploration company with infant exploration tenure in Botswana totalling over 2,200 square kilimeters. Our projects are located on the exposed and partially buried parts of the Matsitama Greenstone Belt and the Limpopo Mobile Belt.

Lingering Sun Resources is focused on the exploration for base and precious metals on its tenure and has the advantage of being based in a prospective and producing jurisdiction as well as employing new innovative and effective exploration targeting techniques together with our partners to help lower exploration risk and expenditure.

The White Lake project is located on a previously unexplored extension of the Matsitama Schist Belt that is partially buried by shallow sediments close to the shores of the salt pans and revealed by Geophysics interpretation. The Matsitama Schist Belt is mineralized with copper, iron-ore, chromium and gold and has been host to two mines.