- Comstock Inc. - Commercial Decarbonization Solutions

Description: Comstock commercializes technologies that enable systemic decarbonization by efficiently converting under-utilized natural resources into renewable energy products, and by leveraging physics based artificial intelligence for more efficient and effective mineral and materials discovery.

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Our technologies are designed to unlock and efficiently convert massive supplies of under-utilized natural resources into renewable fuels and electrification products that contribute to balancing global uses and emissions of carbon.

We convert wasted and unused biomass feedstock into cellulosic ethanol and drop-in fuels. America alone has enough untapped woody biomass to meet more than a third of the U.S. transportation demand.

U.S. forestlands were historically twice as large prior to being cut for less productive uses. We create incentives for those resources to be restored to grow, harvest, and replant billions of tons of fast-growing trees.

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