- Peter Linss

Example domain paragraphs

I’ve been one of HP’s representatives to the W3C for the past five years, and in addition to my primary role of co-chair of the CSS Working Group, I’ve been serving as a member of the TAG for the past two years.

I admit that when I originally joined the TAG I was, like many of the working representatives in the W3C, unfamiliar with their work beyond the AWWW document. I read the TAG’s charter and their mission resonated with me. I felt that with my background architecting complex network systems I could be of some help and threw my hat into the ring. After having served on the TAG, I have a much better understanding of what the TAG does on a daily basis and how it functions.

I also understand why so many of the TAG’s former members have left in frustration. If it weren’t for the opportunity to reshape the TAG with the current election, I’d be one of them.