Description: Lior Elazary, Robots, Astronomy, Sailing, Ham, Clock, CPU
sailing (2389) astronomy (1179) robots (1055) ham (926) clock (570) cpu (446) lior elazary (2)
...because this life is yours. Some of it was given to you, the rest you make yourself.
SpyBot Robotics / Other Robots I bought this robot from Frys Electronics for $20 (why not). I have not done anything exciting with it yet except try NQC . The robot tries to find the brightest spot in the robot and then does a dance around it.
Sal the Robot Head Robotics / Other Robots Sal is a robotic head that makes head and eye movements to follow interesting things in its environment (the activity of people and objects in its surroundings). In addition, the head will is capable of locating and recognize visual objects in real time.