- Lisa’s Gone Shopping | handmade chic | 24 Cameron Drive, Elysburg, PA, USA

Description: Lisa’s Gone Shopping uses 100% cotton fabrics from around the world to create sustainable chic Furoshiki cross body bags to elevate every shopping and carrying experience.

shop (22794) shopping (6940) recycle (933) supermarket (725) environmentally friendly (333) tote (127) clothing and accessories (105) lisa's gone shopping (1) re-useable bags (1) no plastic bags (1)

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Lisa's Gone Shopping ph: 570-274-2936 lisasgon eshopping @yahoo .com

At Lisa's Gone Shopping we use specially sourced fabrics to create one-of-a-kind, hand-tied, Carryall Bags that are earth-friendly.  NO PLASTIC shopping bags! 

Lisa's Gone Shopping wants to heighten awareness of the value of using our hand-crafted Cross Body Bags as an example of environmental stewardship.