- ListenDrinkEat Online Store

Description: Shop from collections of eBooks and audio mp4 recipes, for cocktails, drinks, meals, desserts, and baked goods. Cocktail, cooking, and baking recipes for everyone, including those with Dyslexia or other reading difficulties, or are neurodivergent.

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Find all the recipes you need, with a growing selection of eBooks in ePub and audio/video mp4 formats (coming soon). Whether you're searching for drinks, meals, desserts, or baked goods, you'll discover a diverse range of recipes to choose from. Plus, new recipes will be added regularly, ensuring a fresh and exciting selection for you to explore.

Etsy Canada

Our goal is to make the culinary world inclusive and accessible to all, especially individuals with reading difficulties like dyslexia, aging eyesight, or difficulty with small print. To achieve this, we have a growing collection of eBooks available for traditional reading experiences on your favorite eReader device. For those who prefer an alternative way of engaging with our content, we also offer audio/video mp4 recipes that can be easily replayed and learned from. With this diverse range of resources, e