Description: LIVE! from Planet Zero—bringing you movie, television, comic, game and gadget reviews, analysis, and memories from a cabel of geeks and nerds who’ve payed their dues. And a whole lotta Godzilla.
movies (6486) television (3991) comics (3856) video games (2766) gadgets (1457) star wars (936) board games (723) star trek (417) godzilla (56) buck rogers (9)
LIVE! from Planet Zero is getting a new look. We’ll be back soon, so in the meantime dig our spin-offs, Planet of the Plastic People and Kaiju Kountdown . Or catch us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and RIGHT BEHIND YOU! Haha… made you look.
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Bringing you movie, television, comic, game and gadget reviews, analysis 'n memories from nerds who’ve payed their dues. And Godzilla. A whooooole lotta Godzilla.