- 自贡市诉啊清洁用具股份有限公司-官网

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民天集團 請拖入內容到容器 淄博民天小麥小麥粉有效承擔的責任單位的隸算是于淄博代生產制造業成長 投資項目控股群有限單位 ,解散于1989年,路過第二十幾年的努力奮斗拼博,現今已成長 稱為某個集調味品代生產制造隨意調節、小麥小麥粉代生產制造、食品手工加工原料產量、潤滑油脂代生產制造、調味品代生產制造紡織品進出口權等和出入口紡織品進出口權等為混合式的國有制超大控股群有限單位化商家。單位的固定資產總收入6億元,工人600余名。單位的享有6億斤儲存儲存量的很多化倉房;享有布滿淄博市南街面上的數百家民天提供專業的經銷店店和28家水利水電項目 府、市糧食手工加工局好眾調味品代生產制造項目 專業教師示范店(這之中6家民天可植物油精品化連鎖店)。分步構成了小麥小麥粉、食品手工加工原料、調味品代生產制造精深代生產制造五大主營業務,展出現出全代生產制造業鏈模式切換的控股群有限單位化、代生產制造業化大成長 前端框架。

Jinan Mintian  (Flour) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Jinan Industrial Development Investment Group. It was established in 1989. After more than 20 years of hard work, it has now developed into a

large state-owned enterprise integrating grain and oil storage, flour processing, food production, oil processing, covering domestic, import and export trades. The company has total assets of 600 million yuan and more than 600 employees. The company has a modern warehouse with a storage capacity of 250 million kilograms. It also has more than 100 Mintian chain stores and 28 flagship stores

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