- Body Balance Liquid Supplement - Live Life Fully

Description: Body Balance Liquid Supplement by Life Force Australia with SeaNine is an ionic wholefood drink with certified organic Aloe Vera and 9 wild harvested sea vegetables.

vitamins (1648) minerals (1127) aloe vera (441) body balance liquid supplement (1) seanine (1) sea veggies (1) wholefood supplement (1) body balance drink (1) body balance by life force australia (1) rare trace minerals (1)

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To have a high level of health, you need to supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals and rare trace minerals because your body does not make them and commercially grown food is deficient in them. 

If the nutrients are not in the soil they will not be in the food grown in that soil or in the animals that eat the plants grown in that soil. 

I love Body Balance because it contains a nutrient rich blend in a whole food form that is highly bioavailable to my body at a cellular level.

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