- Living Horizon

Description: Living Horizon is a specialist support organisation providing supported housing for vulnerable adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs, challenging behaviour and other complex needs.

provider (164708) home (83103) support (9609) mental health (4639) autism (2391) learning disabilities (273) social care (134) supported living (88) challenging behaviour (22) dual diagnosis (16)

Example domain paragraphs

I ndividuals with a dual diagnosis are a marginalised group in our society, often exposed to prejudices, abuse, social isolation and lack of suitable support options that can meet this service user group’s specific support needs. Living Horizon is determined to support individuals to sustain a successful tenancy by offering a secure, reassuring environment that enables our service users to develop positive relationships that form the basis for change, learning and personal development.

Care Quality Commission page on Living Horizon

W e strive to achieve positive long-term outcomes for our service users, by working in line with the personalisation agenda and in partnership with commissioners, social services, health care professionals, family members and other agencies.