- Weed Abatement Services - Goat Weed Abatement in California | Living Systems

Description: Contact Living Systems to rent our goats for weed abatement control and brush removal using managed grazing in California. Call 408-507-5700 today.

landscape (8047) fire (3134) hoa (1421) sheep (784) goats (395) weeds (125) grazing (88) vegetation (76) noxious weeds (9) targeted grazing (3)

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Now is an optimal time of year to graze and Living Systems would love to hear about your project and how our services might assist in its restoration. Our statewide service focuses on innovative solutions to the most complex natural resource management projects. Our clients include municipal and public agencies, homeowners associations, and private landowners. We invite you to browse our website and contact us for additional information.

Living Systems has distinguished itself for its innovative approach to land management and deep commitment to community and environment .  We are an environmentally and socially responsible business that approaches land management holistically.  Our work in the area of fire mitigation focuses on ecological fuel management in Wildland / Urban Interface areas.  In addition, we facilitate habitat restoration in riparian and other biologically sensitive areas and vegetation management of noxious and invasive we

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