I co-founded Graphistry in Q1 2014: We help analysts 100X investigations over operational data. Graphistry builds on our insights around end-to-end data analysis by combining visual workflow automation, visual GPU computing, and visual analytics. We currently work with F500, tech companies, and federal agencies, especially in cybersecurity investigations (IR, hunt, & intel) and anti-fraud (account takeover, bots, AML, etc.). Due to the power of our GPU graph technology and its usability, we also assist othe
Leading to our startup, I worked with Ras Bodik in the UC Berkeley Par Lab on the Superconductor GPU language for big data visualization. We also built the first parallel web browser, which led the way to projects like Servo by Mozilla . On the side, I explored the sociology of programming languages , built Proofist , a crowdsourcing proofreader, and researched language-based security techniques for the web similar to the subsequent CSP standard and JavaScript proxy objects. Even earlier, I was a member of
My following languages paint a brighter future for the web: Parallelism: the FTL parallel pattern synthesizer and surrounding Superconductor language (screencast!) for multicore CSS and GPU big data visualization Productivity: the Flapjax FRP language for concurrent web apps Security: the ConScript and Margrave verified web policy languages.