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Description: Tales from the Frontline of First-Time Entrepreneurship in DC Disclaimer: I am not (yet) a successful entrepreneur. I write about things entrepreneurs forget about by the time they're successful.

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How to Get Funded: Lines not Dots

I’m not necessarily an expert in fundraising, but I do want to qualify myself. I raised $200k when I had only a powerpoint deck and a basic prototype; and I’ve raised significantly more since launching a product and assembling a team. So here’s my two cents to any budding entrepreneur:

Mark Suster  wrote a blog post  that I think communicates the most important thing about raising money as a first-time entrepreneur; it’s definitely worth reading if you’ve never done so. The issue is investors invest in people, and to them, people are defined by their past record of success. Of course, a first-time entrepreneur hasn’t accumulated one of those.