Description: machine shop cylinder heads
machine shop (603) automotive machine shop (8) cylinder head specialist (4) port and polish (3) ontario machine shop (1)
( just keepin' up ) - Thanks for 35 (plus) years
Freshly rebuilt engine, first time start up guide. As soon as possible: Put and keep on fast idle for 30 min to supply full oil volume and "MORE"
If your engine has forged pistons, each time it is started cold you must allow it to "MORE" 3 Oil Study Don't burn your cam out. You should not be using many of the new oils in engines built before the "MORE" 4 Gasoline Research Don't use Gas if it's over 3 months old Gasoline starts going bad in as little as two months when open to the air, but can "MORE" Free C.F.M. Calculator Yes, the "math" method to get the proper size carburetor and a chart to make it easy. Click "HERE"