loganpetlak.ca - Logan Petlak | Lifelong Learner.

Description: How to use this site and its resources: Feel free to access and utilize any of the resources found on the pages that are a part of the menu above (click on the subject of choice, and click on the links to follow or download).If you would like to contact me for information around the…

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How to use this site and its resources:


I am Logan Petlak (pronouns: he/him)! I’m an educator born, raised, and teaching on Treaty 4 territory in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I am privileged to have a loving family that includes my wife, Kristin, child, Kohen, and our four cats, Indie, Bitsy, Lily, and Jericho (Rico). I enjoy gaming (board games, video games) and being physically active which includes weight training and playing football & hockey.

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