loicsimon.blogspot.fr - Out of Business - Loic Simon

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"I was drawn to an older woman who was working very hard on crafting these hats," writes Your Shot member Huynh Jet , who captured this photo in a traditional dwelling in Duc Hoa, Long An Province, Vietnam. "I climbed on a ladder and stood there until I caught the moment when she put the threads into the hat. A big traditional family in Long An has made and sold hats for over a hundred years."

This photo was submitted to Your Shot . Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

En cette fin d'année, les bibliothécaires Lionel Maurel et Thomas Fourmeux ont concocté une rétrospective spéciale regroupant le pire des dérives de la propriété intellectuelle. Une compilation tout à la fois insolite, effarante, révoltante des dérives autorisées par le régime actuel de la protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle dans le monde. Bonne lecture !

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