lokayanmuseum.org - Lokayan Life Diversity Museum | In Search of Life : Craving Towards Origin

Description: Lokayan Life Diversity Museum | In Search of Life : Craving Towards Origin

nutrition (6170) agriculture (4073) hygiene (1023) women empowerment (244) iga (71) economic development (food security (1) economic development (food security market development and technology transfer) | social development education and governance) | health and nutrition (health water and sanitation) | disaster management and climate change a

Example domain paragraphs

ESDO Corona Confrontation Unit

Northern Bangladesh is known as ancient dwelling. Countless memories of hard earned community's striving and heritage are evident at each and every segment of this ancient habitation. From generation after generation, farmers, earthenware maker, smith, potter, fisherman, local lyricist and ethnic groups are the driving force of this ancient folks. Northern part of Bangladesh is enlightened with the immense contribution of their production, life-style, entertainment and folklore heritage. In a conventional s

Programs Round the Year Bangalees as a Nation are fond of festivals. There has been a saying that in twelve months, there are thirteen festivals in Bangladesh. Lokayan celebrates six festivals in line with six seasons of Bangladesh. Fruits Fest: This festival is arranged in every year in Joisthaya, (June) 2nd month of Bangla calendar. In north western part of Bangladesh fruits like Mango, lychee, jackfruits, Black Berry grow in plenty. These fruits are available in this festival. Barsha Mongol Utshav (Durin