looking-for-jeff-smith.com - Looking For Jeff Smith | A man's search for his biological father

Description: Looking for Jeff Smith, a man's search for his biological father. If you have any information, please contact Tony Coolidge at [email protected].

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After losing my mother, Chen Yu-chu, at the age of 44 to cancer, and losing my adopted father, Sergeant Major David Coolidge to the mysterious Gulf War syndrome when he was in his early 50's, I realized how precious and temporary life was. These parents were great role models, and I owe them for all of the sacrifices they made to raise me, my brothers and sister and guiding us to build the lives we have. While I was in high school, I learned that I was adopted by David Coolidge. I wanted to know who my real

Tony and Shu-min Coolidge in November 2012.

Years have passed, and I have been curious about my biological father. With so little information, and such a common name, I was reluctant to take on the daunting task of finding him. I also admit that I have been afraid of how I might feel, if I faced him in person. But after the death of my parents, I gained a different perspective on this. I believe that Jeff Smith may be curious about his son, and want to know about his life. He may have no way of knowing how to find me. With this effort to find him, I