lorrainegilbert.ca - Lorraine Gilbert - Welcome

Description: Visual Arts contemporary artist, photography

photography (50961) photographie (4267) contemporary art (4255) art contemporain (996) gilbert (606) canadian artist (176) site specific (151) in situ (69) artiste canadien (2) lorraine gilbert (1)

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Current Work

Old Clearcuts An old growth west coast rainforest, industrially cleared of all its trees, cut-and-run, then naturally regenerated, may look like this. The Old Clearcuts series was shot on Malcolm Island, BC

Revisiting the Old Plantation (in progress) A plantation is not a real forest. Thirty years ago, I spent four seasons planting trees and making pictures of clear-cuts in a large valley in the west Rockies. I want to go back. Here are sketches (2017) for a future project.