louiselimb.com - Louise Limb: motorbike artist, motorcycle illustrator, writer & photographer

Description: Louise Limb: artist, illustrator, writer & photographer specialising in motorcycles, bikers & motorbike culture. Illustrations include magazine and private commissions e.g. custom bikes and lavish maps.

artist (36459) photographer (20575) writer (7725) illustrator (5620) motorcycle (3247) biking (923) motorbike (580) bikers (206) louise (126) limb (20)

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Louise has also illustrated two of Jim Fogg's books, two of Ian Mutch’s hugely entertaining travel books and three of Allan Lowson’s anthologies of his short stories. In John Carroll's definitive guide to the Harley Davidson 45 and Carroll's 'Inside Harley Davidson', she was given the unenviable brief of drawing everything from the oil system to big twin valve springs using her favourite tool, the Rotring pen.

Louise has always been a natural illustrator and passionately records the minutiae of everyday life and landscape on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales where she now lives. Here on the website you will be the first to see Louise Limb’s new artworks as the site updates and have the opportunity to buy signed prints and enough postcards, greetings cards and calendars to fulfil all your stationery needs.

  Available now... Land Rover 75 th Anniversary A4 + A3 prints >>>>