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Description: Lousiana hunt. A global network directory of hunting real estate, hunting leases, hunting guides, outfitters, services, lodging, and real estate for sale or lease.

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Cupped Wings Guide Service has self guided pit blind leases in flooded rice, beans, corn, milo & millet and self guided timber hole leases for this upcoming Arkansas Waterfowl Season. These are proven killing holes with high success rates. Self Guided pit blind leases Rates are $600 / day for up to 6 hunters in your group. Self Guided timber hole leases are $1000 / day for up to 6 hunters in your group. Call us now to book your Arkansas self-guided duck hunt at 865-556-9198 or check us out at https://www.cu

Our guide team is one of the most passionate and dedicated group of individuals that absolutely love fishing. Fishing is not just a sport for us, its a way of life! Our Guides/Captains are all local southeast Louisiana natives. All of us were born and raised here and have spent a lifetime chasing Redfish, Speckled Trout, Sheepshead, Flounder, Black Drum, and Snapper in this place we call home ?The Sportsman?s Paradise?. Our goal is to make your Louisiana fishing trip an experience you will never forget. You

Cupped Wings Guide Service has self guided pit blind leases in flooded rice, beans, corn, milo & millet and self guided timber hole leases for this upcoming Arkansas Waterfowl Season. These are proven killing holes with high success rates. Self Guided pit blind leases Rates are $650 / day for up to 6 hunters in your group. Self Guided timber hole leases are $1250 / day for up to 6 hunters in your group. Call us now to book your Arkansas self-guided duck hunt at 865-556-9198 or check us out at https://www.cu