loungeax.com - Lounge Ax - a rock club in chicago

Description: Lounge Ax is a rock (music) club in Chicago presenting the finest in independent music in a crusty, intimate atmosphere with exquisite sound.

music (53610) club (12351) bar (11417) rock (10034) live (9263) chicago (6232) pop (5069) alternative (3106) indie (2794) lounge (1573)

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Thank you! UPDATE February 1, 2001 Join us for the Lounge Ax tribal reunion at The Hideout on Saturday, February 17, 2001 , around 9 PM or so. Monday January 17, 2000 We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who ever set foot in our beloved little dump on lincoln avenue, to all the bands who played our last weeks, everyone who helped us move, and everyone who sent us good thoughts, flowers and wishes. And of course we want to thank our amazing employees, who will always be part of our family.

The Lounge Ax Defense & Relocation Compact Disc from CDNOW

The last two weeks of rock (music) S H O W S at Lounge Ax Ax Me No Questions! Post your comments, have discussions in the F O R U M We are still in shock. As soon as we recover a little, we will post the details of our closing on our M O V I N G Page . Ask Dan Chicago's Best Doorman continues to answer your questions. Add yourself to our M A I L I N G LIST . A BIG LIST of BAND LINKS links you to some of our performers' web sites such as the Kelly Hogan fan Club page.. L i n k s to more music sites. Explore

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