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Home Products Commercial Trucks Passenger Cars News & Events News CSR About FAW Company Overview History International Cooperation Innovation search Find a Dealer Contact Us 中文 Home Products最近中文字幕高清中文字幕下载 Commercial Trucks Passenger Cars News & Events News CSR About FAW Company Overview Company Profile Board of Directors Executives Financial Data History International Cooperation FAW-Volkswagen FAW Toyota Innovation $(function() { //點擊事件 /*$(".one_Li").eq(0).addClass("els") $(".one_Li").click(function(){ co

As a widely recognized leader in China’s commercial vehicle industry, FAW Jiefang has always adhered to the principle of “independent development, opening up and cooperation”, taken innovation as the primary source of development, mastered core technologies in key fields, and fostered core competitive advantages of products. The brand value of Jiefang has reached 107.8 billion yuan, ranking the first place in China’s commercial vehicle market for 11 consecutive years.?

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