Description: Light, Photosynthesis & Metabolism (LP&M) Research Team
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The Light, Photosynthesis & Metabolism (LPM) team (founded in 2015) belongs to the Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory within the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble .
OUR MAIN RESEARCH FOCUS is to understand the adaptive responses of phototrophs to different trophic lifestyles (phototrophy, mixotrophy, symbiosis) and environmental constraints. Our main models are the microalgae Phaeodactylum (diatom), Galdieria (rhodophyte), Phaeocystis (Haptophyte), Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyte), and the plant Arabidopsis .
OUR MAIN APPROACH is the ‘next-generation physiology’ that combines photophysiology with integrative metabolism at different scales, from the cell to the protein level.