lpsci.com - Ad And Stuff Blocker

Description: Ad And Crap Blocker is an ad and crap content blocker specifically for Safari on Mac OSX and iOS.

websites (28296) ios (6621) ads (2304) filter (1500) safari (1286) ad (924) block (758) advertisements (249) blocker (46)

Example domain paragraphs

Ad And Stuff Blocker (AASB) is an ad and other stuff content blocker specifically for Safari on Mac OSX and iOS. Its goal is to provide the best "out of the box" experience. There are no fancy statistics or fancy UI - just a simple UI to whitelist websites, which hopefully you won't need. AASB for Safari on iOS provides a comparable experience.

Ad And Stuff VPN Content Filter (AASVPN) for Android uses the VPN feature to optionally block ads and porn in all apps, not just web browsers. Think of it as a way to have your own hosts file for Android. To do this, it intercepts DNS (how names like google.com are translated to IP addresses) requests only. If the request is for a domain in the hosts database, then returns an Unknown reply to the calling app. Otherwise, it forwards the request to the DNS server, which is OpenDNS for the time being, but can

AASVPN allows DNS customization, setting the device IP address in case the default one,, conflicts with another one on your network, modifying the hosts database, and turning ad and porn filtering on and off.