- Luca Perrig - About

Description: Luca Perrig's website. Economic sociologist, PhD candidate at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Please reach by email at [email protected].

algorithm (328) matching (203) sts (163) gig economy (35) economic sociology (5) algorithmic management (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to my website! I am a post-doc researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Geneva. In my research, I am interested in the role of digital infrastructures in building a labour market for online food deliveries. More precisely, I seek to uncover the way mobile apps mediate labor relations and ultimately shape labor markets. Using an ethnographical approach, I followed managers, developers, and workers in their activity and I now study the transmission of information among them.

My research interests include economic sociology, science and technology studies, and labor sociology. I am also very enthousiastic about media studies and digital methods. I am trained in both economics and sociology.

Welcome to my website! I am a sociologist, currently post-doc researcher at the University of St. Gallen. In my research, I study the role of digital platforms in shaping labour markets. In 2022, I defended a thesis that was focusing on food-delivery platforms. My fieldwork is now among hackers, as I am seeking to study the impact of bug bounty platforms on the community, how they contribute to professionalize it, commodify vulnerabilities, and overall marketize information security. This case study is part