Description: Medizinische und Wissenschaftliche Illustrationen für Publikationen, Produktwerbungen und Journalbeiträge. Medical & Scientific Illustration and Animation; Unique custom visuals to communicate your new drug, device, procedure, or research.
portfolio (18405) animation (10907) switzerland (2982) medical illustration (124) data visualisation (102) scientific illustration (88) wissenschaftliche illustration (14) medizinische illustration (12)
View the full Portfolio I illustrated four limited edition stamps for the Swiss Post ...
You have something important to communicate, a new drug, device, procedure, or research—and you need a unique image or animation with which to educate and promote your discovery. Visualising science and medicine is my business! I have the medical and scientific knowledge to grasp complex scientific information, parse it down, and transmit the essence in a succinct visual message that is accurate, educational, and beautiful.
You can achieve the most efficient education of your audience with images and visuals. Gain awareness for your cause!