- Pro-Life Prayer | Great Prayer Project - End Abortion

Description: Pro-Life Prayer Movement - The Great Prayer Project focuses on joining people in one voice, in one prayer, a prayer for an end to abortion.

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The Great Prayer Project is a Pro-Life Prayer Movement that is focused on uniting Christians from around the world in one prayer, in one voice, for one cause. We believe that prayer is a very effective and powerful tool in the fight to save innocent lives. Being Pro-Lifers as well as Christians, we believe there is nothing greater we can do then organize a prayer movement that has the ability to bring so many Pro-Life Christians together as one.

We have set up this prayer movement so individuals can select a twenty minute time slot to pray during. Think 20 minutes is too long to pray? We have come up with some prayer tips to pray for an end to abortions to help you meet this 20 minute goal. You will find out that it's much simpler than you might think.

We do need your help in praying for an end to abortion. Visit our Calendar page, select a day and time you are able to prayer during, and simply pray during that time period. Very simple, but yet very useful for those in danger of being aborted.

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