- flips' Hideout

Description: Geeky and Nerdy stuff for various kinds of nerds. Thoughts, praise, reviews etc. Computer related stuff and Bible related stuff.

linux (7722) network (6888) bible (6371) computers (4181) study (1635) unix (1009) geek (922) translations (827) macos (682) nerd (372)

Example domain paragraphs

flips' Hideout Nerdy & Geeky Stuff ðŸ––🤓

December 2023 Redesign Previous update was on February 3rd in 2014. Behind the scenes I've been working on different designs in different publishing solutions. Also, I didn't transfer much old content, so if you're looking for older content, please check the links (button) to the Wayback Machine from the Redesign section of my About Page .

Blog About Contact Themes This Blog Has Two Main Parts: Articles about technologies, software and hardware, that I use, care about or research and learn about are all sorted in this  Nerd Category .

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