- Lungworm for Dogs - Lungworm Map and Resources from Elanco

Description: Educational content for vets on lungworm, the prevalence in the UK, tracking through the lungworm map and support materials to discuss lungworm with pet owners

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LUNGWORM ABOUT LUNGWORM LUNGWORM MAP TALKING TO CLIENTS Campaign Advocate MyElanco LUNGWORM AND DOGS Lungworm is endemic throughout much of the UK and is potentially life threatening for dogs. However, less than half of UK dog owners know what lungworm is, and only 33% routinely treat their dog for it 1 .

Advocate has been working for over 15 years to raise lungworm awareness, educate pet owners, and support vet practices in protecting our beloved pets.

On this page you can learn more about lungworm, access the number of cases in your area, and select tools to help you talk to your clients.