- LUSA.Solutions

Description: Help with passport,residencies and visas for people who with to leave the U.S.

travel (20911) visa (1984) passport (295) expats (242) digital nomads (65) international visas (4) foreign residency (3)

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For a myriad of reasons, more Americans are seeking to expand their resident options by obtaining dual residencies, working remotely, retiring abroad, or simply leaving the United States entirely.  While adding to or altering your residency in quite possible, it is not a simple.  It can be a complex and tedious task that can often take years to complete.  Each country has its own set of requirements and regulations that must be precisely followed.  In many cases, requirements are unclear or difficult to dec

LUSA's roots are firmly embedded in insurance.   For over 25 years, our parent and satellite corporations have been helping Americans protect their businesses, families, and assets.  By precisely matching needs with the right business, group, life, health, accident, indemnity, annuity, international medical, or international travel policy, we have helped untold thousands of Americans better prepare for and protect their future.  Finding and providing the right services to protect American families is in our

We will establish: 1.  Which country outside of the U.S. you are interested in. 2.  What type of residency or citizenship arrangement you desire. You may simply desire a dual residency status, or remote work status.  Or perhaps you are looking for full citizenship in another country.  We will also discuss whether you have any job-related skills or family connections that may provide you an inside track on residency approval.

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