- WKZ Uro Apps | Monkeybizniz

Description: WKZ Urotherapie App ontwikkeld voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar met functionele incontinentie of blaasproblemen.

serious game (80) games for health (13) wkz (5) urotherapie (4) applied games (3) wilhelmina kinderziekenhuis (2) uro app (2) luts en de mispissers (2) monkeybizniz (2) lower urinary tract symptoms (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The Urotherapy Department of the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (WKZ), has developed in collaboration with Monkeybizniz, three apps to support the treatment of children with functional incontinence. This means that the wetting is not caused by a medical disease but by a dysfunction of the bladder. The child’s bladder muscles, sphincters or pelvic muscles are used in the wrong way or they don’t collaborate well. In some children this causes incontinence, while others only experience recurrent urinary tract i

is designed for basic urotherapy treatment, which includes education regarding bladder function and dysfunction, instructions about voiding habits and toileting position. Click here for more information.

is a serious game designed for Dutch speaking children who are following a cognitive bladder training programme. The app is currently NOT available in English. The app is for children if the basic urotherapy has not been successful enough. The app will support children with an intensive bladder training programme. Children are supervised by a specially trained urotherapist/physiotherapist. LUTS and the Mispisser is designed to increase the motivation of children so that the training becomes easier and with