- Lynne Quiroz

Example domain paragraphs

After making the statement to my growing trio, my oldest accused me of being a hypocrite as I never achieved a university degree. Although I did attend a “trade” school, and acquired a radiologic technology license, I hated the job and gave up my accreditation. But did I ever earn a real degree? No. My daughter’s comment, although it was hurtful, was a very true observation. And at the age of 41, I became an undergraduate student starting over…… almost a decade later I am about to achieve the brass ring....

Each of my children showcase pieces of me. Whether it be physical attributes, personality traits or simple mannerisms, I am constantly learning new things about myself. There is the realization of both the positive and negative examples I may have provided.

Build a relationship based on compatibility and one will learn a magnitude of lessons to be taught. You put your heart and well-being in a partner’s hands and quickly learn about the goals, aspirations and expectations of being together. This is a constant learning process of navigation and adjustment.