m0y-magnit.ru - M0y-magnit.ru

domain (157439) домен (54061) регистрация доменов (40910) whois (18753) idn (10294) регистратор (9924) доменные имена (9713)

Example domain paragraphs

The domain you are visiting has been parked for the service DNS hosting from WebHOST1 .

1. If you want to place a domain on our virtual hosting, you should delete the currently added domain in the DNS hosting service. You need to go through billing panel to the hosting panel and add the domain only in the hosting panel. DNS hosting service and adding domains to it is not required. 2. If you want to park your domain on a third-party server (service) or on our VDS service (dedicated server), you will need to set the correct IP address for type A record in DNS. This can be done in the control pan

You may find the article & mdash; adding a domain to hosting.

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