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Description: M3Tabolic Testing for athletes and dieting. Why guess your numbers when the science has the answer

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Look at the worlds top athlete’s in their sport and you will find that the majority use metabolic analysis as a training tool. Guide your training by finding out your bodies own limitations with clinical grade accuracy. Metabolic testing is the best way to discover you weaknesses and target your bodies true potential. 

Previously this form of metabolic testing was only the preserve of Universities and hospitals. We are proud today to offer PNOĒ breath analysis bringing you the most advanced biometric screening system and monitoring software to the general sporting community. You can now target your training and progress faster.

At M3TABOLIC we use the state of the art Pnoe Breath Analysis device for testing your metabolic health. This is the most accurate way of establishing how your training can be improved for maximum efficiency. Why guess at your numbers? We can establish your most efficient training zones in terms of heart rate, power and speed for multiple disciplines. Perfect for Cyclists, Runners, TriAthlete’s, Cross Fit , Spartan athletes, Endurance athetes and any other sport. Metabolic testing is also often used by large

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