Description: Funeral Services in Bruce County (Ripley and Lucknow). Family owned and operated since 1952.
cremation (5808) funeral (3530) point (808) clark (377) obituary (258) visitation (184) lucknow (177) ripley (107) huron (86) kincardine (54)
Has a loved one passed away? Let us help.
To receive our quickest response, please call us at (519) 395-2969 for our Ripley location or (519) 528-3432 for our Lucknow location 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Someone will be there to answer your call and get you the assistance you need when you need it.
Families have trusted us to set the standard in funeral and cremation services for more than 70 years. Our compassionate professionals are committed to planning a memorial that remembers all the irreplaceable little things that made your loved one special. That is our promise.