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Description: Fashion & Information

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When I took this morning job, there wasn’t a lot of competition. It was basically, “Dave, we need someone who can be here at 4:45 am and we immediately thought of you.” No one else wanted to wake up so early. And I understand why: it’s dark, it’s lonely, you can’t party the night before, […]

kitten scratching sofa One of the most common challenges those of us who have feline friends in the family face is trying to protect our furniture from those sharp, unforgiving claws. While some cats head for the couch the moment our back is turned, others are a bit more audacious, choosing to ignore the best […]

Welcome to Beauty Around the Clock, Marie Claire’s weekly look into the daily lives of some of the most innovative women in their industries. Have you ever wondered how they do everything in one day? Here is your answer. Ask John Legend about makeup and he’ll quickly direct you to his makeup artist. “I wear […]