- Mag Lev Domains

Description: Magnetic Levitation domains available for sale or lease and replacement parts.

magnet (696) maglev (49) electromagnet (44) magnetic levitation (33) magnetic lift (27) diamagnet (27)

Example domain paragraphs

The following Mag Lev domains are available for sale or lease:

Call 1-800-637-4583 for more information. Or if you would like to send us email, you can click below and we will respond as soon as possible. [email protected]

Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic force is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational acceleration and any other accelerations. The two primary issues involved in magnetic levitation are lifting force: providing an upward force sufficient to counteract gravity, and stability: ensuring that the system does not spontaneously slide or flip into a configuration where the lift is neutralize

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