- MAGNT | Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory

Description: MAGNT is the Northern Territory’s premier cultural organisation, consisting museums, art galleries, and heritage sites across Darwin and Alice Springs. MAGNT is a not for profit organisation known for our collections and expertise in: art, Aboriginal culture, natural sciences and Territory history.

art (57129) gallery (8286) natural (5902) museum (4901) tourism (4265) visual (2159) northern (721) indigenous (575) sciences (361) territory (76)

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Help us to mark 50 years since Cyclone Tracy Donate to our Annual Appeal Exhibition On now at MAGNT Darwin 40: Celebrating four decades of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards An incredible selection of artworks and stories from artists who have shared in the history of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards. Learn more → Screening Learn more → 10am, Monday 3 July Tiger on the Rocks + Panel Discussion Scientists discuss surprising discoveries about the thylaci

GPO Box 4646, Darwin NT 0801

​ P +61 8 8999 8264

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