- Maike Statz

Example domain paragraphs

(b.1992 Sydney)(she/her) I am an artist and interior architect educated in The Netherlands and Australia, now living in Bergen, Norway. I'm interested in space - the influence of architecture on individuals and society and its relationship to gender and sexuality. I work mostly with writing, performance and installation. I use architectural tools and methods in this work, questioning how history is embedded in our various architectures and what power dynamics are at play. I often focus on specific interior

MA Interior Architecture Studio for Immediate Spaces , Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie NL 2017–19 BDes Interior and Spatial Design and BA International Studies, University of Technology Sydney AUS and Technische Universität Berlin DE 2011–15

Interior Architect Harry Seidler and Associates Sydney AUS 2016–17, 2019–20 Design Consultant Poliform Sydney AUS 2015–16

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