- The Majestic 8 Ball

Description: Solve your dilemma's once and for all with this online oracle!

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The Majestic 8 Ball is a magic super natural oracle. It uses the millions of connections on the internet to gather information thereby increasing it's wisdom every day. It can answer the most difficult yes/no questions it's a bit quirky though. Give it a try and find out if it can help you.

By visiting and using this web page the visitor will not hold The Majestic 8 ball, its creators and affiliates responsible for any less than positive results spawning in any way from the provided advise. However positive results i.e. winning the lottery as a result of given advises should be shared :)

The famous "Magic Eight Ball" toy is a registered trademark of Mattel Inc. Mattel Inc. is in no way affiliated with this web page or The Majestic 8 Ball.

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