- The Major Taylor Association, Inc.

Description: Memorializing 1899 world cycling champion Major Taylor with a statue, bike events, classroom materials and more. Coming up: George Street Bike Challenge in Worcester, Mass.

massachusetts (3608) worcester (702) black history (163) african-american history (82) bicycle racing (25) major taylor (4) bicycle racing history (1) african american athlete (1) black athlete (1) marshall w. taylor (1)

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Dedicated to recognizing sportsmanship, promoting nonviolence and caring for those less fortunate

George Street Bike Challenge July 24, 2022. It's one rider at a time against the clock in this uphill time trial. Read more Major Taylor in today's media As Major Taylor's legacy picks up speed, see how the 1899 world cycling champion is remembered and depicted around the world today. Read more Major Taylor curriculum guide available Curriculum kits for lessons about trailblazing black athlete Marshall W. "Major" Taylor, 1899 world cycling champion, are available free to schoolteachers and youth group leade

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