- Making Master Guitars

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First published in 1993,  Making Master Guitars  by  Roy Courtnall , is the  major reference book covering the history, design and construction of the Spanish Classical Guitar.  Making Master Guitars  is a craftsman’s handbook, and is unique in that it includes nine separate plans of instruments made by the following internationally famous makers: Antonio de Torres, Hermann Hauser I, Santos Hernandez, Hernandez y Aguado, Ignacio Fleta, Robert Bouchet, Daniel Friederich and Jose Romanillos. The author examin

This website is intended to expand on the book. Since 1993, approaches to classical guitar-making have both broadened and been refined, accelerated by the sharing of information between luthiers on the Internet.

The idea for the website was suggested by Joss Winn, a student of Roy Courtnall. Joss’ six-month diary of the whole guitar-making process was initially posted on the Delcamp Classical Guitar Forum and is expanded on here . Owners of the book will find the day-by-day account interesting because it documents, from a student’s perspective, a typical workshop experience of around 180 hours, and also because it reveals new methods that Roy has adopted for his own work.

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