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I thought this would be a fun craft to do with my kids.  My kids never got into it, but it kept me entertained.  I first saw these snowflakes in Family Fun magazine .  I love them because they are super cheap, they are easy to make, and the results are quite pretty.  Here’s how it’s done:

You will need:  Q-tips (I like the kind with the cardboard middle instead of plastic), a sheet of wax paper, and some glitter glue.

Glop on some glue.  You want to be generous with the glue.  Your snow flake is light weight but it won’t stay together without a good amount of glue.  You really need to let this dry over night.  You can watch it and check on it pulling off little branches to see if they are sticking, but that would just be silly because I’m telling you now that it needs to dry over night.