- Mama Bear Knows – i am mama, hear me roar

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Why is it so difficult to screen and filter what our kids watch on YouTube? I’ve been complaining about this forever , lamenting about the amount of garbage that’s out there, and the lack of content moderation. In fairness, it’s pretty much impossible to expect YouTube to be able to screen all of the millions of videos posted every day, but in that case YouTube should really make it easier for parents to block and screen stuff on our end.

My kids watch a lot of videos I fear will melt their brains – other people playing video games, for example, or compilations of dance clips from TikTok. Then there is the really inappropriate stuff with bad language, music videos that aren’t meant for kids, things they probably shouldn’t be learning about from strangers on the Internet.

So why don’t I just ban them from watching YouTube altogether, you ask? Because there is also an overwhelming amount of really great content available for them on YouTube. Stay with me, and I’ll share a list of our favorite wholesome, entertaining YouTube channels!