- The manthan Award : India's best e-Content Practices

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Manthan-AIF Award is a first of its kind initiative in India to recognize the best practices in e-Content and Creativity. It was launched on 10th October 2004, by Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with World Summit Award and American India Foundation. The Manthan-AIF Award winners for the year 2004-05 were awarded on 23rd July, 2005 at India International Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi in a one day Manthan-AIF Award gala cum conference on e-Content and Sustainability organized

The overwhelming response from the participants of Manthan-AIF Award 2005 has also encouraged us to increase the numbers of categories for the Manthan-AIF Award 2006. Following is the list of categories for Manthan-AIF Award 2006:

To create an information rich society where everyone, irrespective of caste, religion, race, region, gender etc., are empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information and knowledge for their economic, social, cultural and political upliftment and development.