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Award-winning letterpress printer, book designer, editor and poet Kate Hitt established Many Names Press in 1993 for literary writers and fine artists to broadcast their exemplary works through creative collaboration with a like-minded small press publishing house.

Among the esteemed poets, writers and artists Many Names Press has produced over the years are: fine artists Lauren Crux, Douglas McClellan, William S. Stipe and Andrea Rich; poets Jerry Martien, Louise and Eli Grassi Whitney, Hermie Medley, Maude Meehan, Clair Killen, Margarite Tuchardt, Amber Coverdale Sumrall and Patrice Vecchione; writers and poets Becky Taylor & Dena Taylor; and novelist Leba Wine.

Kate is co-founder of the Rimé Kunsang Gar Center with Geshe Dangsong Namgyal, a Tibetan Bön Dzogchen meditation master and historian of ancient Tibetan culture. She is also a member of the Santa Cruz Printers Chappel, a past board member of the Diversity Center in Santa Cruz, and the president of the Friends of the Arcata Library. She holds an English degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Virginia, has studied digital design at Cabrillo College, fine hand bookbinding with Constance Hunter

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