- Mapa – Multilingual Anonymisation for Public Administrations

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Multilingual Anonymisation for Public Administrations

The MAPA Project is an integration project that aims at introducing Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and at developing a toolkit for effective and reliable anonymisation of texts in the medical and legal fields. The proposal addresses all EU official languages, including under-resourced ones (such as Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Slovenian and Croatian). Our project addressed the precise concept called “de-identification”: removing directly identifying expressions, such as person names, from a text.

The Action will build a deployable, dock-ready, open-source full multilingual anonymisation toolkit able to detect personal data (name, addresses, emails, credit card and bank accounts, etc.) as defined by deployment cases in different Member States. anonymisation Moreover, the toolkit will be able to anonymize these data, thus, it will help public administrations to comply with GDPR particularly in the health and legal fields.

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