- MapTools - Tools and information for using UTM, MGRS and latitude longitude coordinates

Description: MapTools - Tools and instructions for GPS users to work with UTM, MGRS, USNG and lat/lon coordinate systems.

long (521) utm (211) latitude (123) coordinates (81) longitude (81) lon (34) lat (28) universal transverse mercator (3) latlon (1)

Example domain paragraphs

MapTools is the world's leading manufacturer of coordinate plotting tools. Our products are in daily use by many federal, state, and local land management agencies, along with military, law enforcement, and search and rescue teams around the world.

Recently we have been getting more inquiries about using our tools with USNG (United States National Grid) Coordinates. All of our tools that measure UTM coordinates, will also measure USNG. The USNG grid system is built on top of the UTM coordinate system. They will also work with the Military Grid Reference System, which is very similar to USNG. Learn more about USNG with our USNG Tutorial .

MapTools can now make you a customized map ruler for any scale map.

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